Solid state previous year questions CBSE with answers( One mark)

Solid state previous year questions CBSE

These are solid state previous year questions for CBSE .
One Mark Questions:

1.       Which point defect lowers the density of ionic crystals? (AI. 2000 C)
2.       What is the difference between ferromagnetic and ferrimagnetic substances? (Delhi 2001 C)
3.       Why does Frenkel defect not change the density of AgCl crystal? (AL. 2001 C)
4.       What other elememt may be added to silicon to make electrons available for the conduction of electricity ? (Delhi 2001 C)
5.       What is Curie temperature? (AI. 2002 C)
6.       What is the effect of Frenkel defect on electrical conductivity of the solid? (AL. 2003 C)
7.       Name one solid in which both Frenkel and Schottky defects occur .(AI. 2003 C)

8.       What is difference between glass and quartz though both contain SiO44- units? (Delhi 2003 C)
9.       In an alloy of gold and cadmium, gold crystallises in cubic structure, occupying the corners only and cadmium fits into the face centre voids What is the quantitative composition of the alloy?(Delhi 2003 C)
10.   Which solid is likely to be the best material for converting sunlight into electricity? (Foreign 2003)
11.   Mention one property which is caused due to the presence of F centre in a solid (Delhi 2003)
12.   How can a ferromagnetic substance be changed to paramagnetic one? (AI. 2004 C)
13.   What happens when ferrimagnetic Fe3O4 is heated to 850 K and why? (AI. 2004)
14.   Why are Frenkel defects not found in pure alkali halides? (Delhi 2004 C)
15.   What is the coordination number of a metal atom in ccp structure? (Foreign 2004)
16.   Define the terms amorphous  . (A.1.2004)
17.   Name a substance which on addition to AgCl causes cation vacancy in it(Delhi 2004)
18.   What happens when a ferromagnetic substance is subjected to high temperature? (A.1. 2005 C)
19.   What is nature of crystal defect produced when sodium chloride is doped with MgCl,?(Delhi 2005 C)
20.   Name an element with which Ge can be doped to produce an n-type semiconductor(Foreign 2005)
21.   What is the maximum possible coordination number of an atom in an hcp crystal structure of an element? (Delhi 2005)
22.   Give reasons for the following

Copper is conducting as such while copper sulphate is conducting only in molten state or in aqueous solution. (A.I. 2006)

23.   What is the effect of Schottky and Frenkel defects on the density of crystalline solids? (A.I. 2006C)

24.   What makes the crystals of KCl appear sometimes violet? (A.I. 2006)
25.   Name the crystal defect which lowers the density of an ionic crystal. (Delhi 2006)

26.   Name an element with which silicon can be doped to give p type semiconductor (Foreign 2006)

27.   Name the non-stoichiometric point defect responsible for colour in alkali halides. (AI 2006)

28.    A cubic  solid is made of two elements X and Y. Atoms Y are at the corners of the body-centre. What is the formula of the compound?  (Delhi 2006)
29.   i)What is the number of atoms per unit cell in a body-centred cubic structure (Delhi 2007)
ii)What is the total number of atoms per unit cell in a face centered cubic structure ? (Al. 2008)

30.   What is the coordination number of each type of ions in a rock-salt type crystal structure (Delhi 2008)
31.   What are F-centres? (A.I. 2008)

32.   Name an element with which silicon should be doped to give n-type of semiconductor (Delhi 2008)

33.   What type of alignment in crystals makes them ferromagnetic? (Foreign 2008)

34.   "Stability of a crystal is related to the magnitude of its melting point". How?(A.I. 2009)

35.   What is the percentage efficiency of packing in the case of simple cubic lattice? (A.I.2009)

36.   How do metallic and ionic substances differ in conducting electricity? (A.I.2009)

37.   Which point defect in crystals does not alter the density of the relevant solid? (Delhi 2009)
38.   Give an example of an ionic compound which shows Frenkel defect. (A.I.2010)

39.   What type of interactions hold the molecules together in a polar molecular solid. (A.I.2010)
40.   Write a feature which will distinguish a metallic solid from an ionic acid. (Delhi 2010)

41.   Crystalline solids are anisotropic in nature'. What does this statement mean? (Delhi 2011)

42.   What is the formula of a compound in which the element Y forms CCP lattice and atoms of X  occupy 1/3 of tetrahedral voids? (Delhi 2015)
43.   Zno turns yellow on heating. Why? (AI 2016)
44.   What type of magnetism is shown by a substance if magnetic moments of domains are arranged in the same direction ? (Delhi 2016)


One Mark Questions

1.       Schottky defect
2.       Ferromagnetic: Substances which shows permanent magnetism even in the absence of magnetic field are called ferromagnetic substance eg. Fe, Ni,Co, Cro2

Ferrimagnetic Substance: Substances which are expected to posses large magnetism on the basis of the magnetic moment of the domain but actually have small net magnetic moment are called ferromagnetic substances eg. Fe3O4

3.       Because in Frenkel defect ion dislocate and occupy the interstitial site

4.       Group-13 element (Boron) and group 15 element (P) may be added

5.       Curie temperature is the temperature at which certain material lose their permanent magnetic properties, to be replaced by induces magnetism

6.       Solid show partial conductivity due to presence of holes

7.       Silver bromide (AgBr)

8.       Glass is amorphous solid but quartz is crystalline solid

9.       No. of gold atom = 8 x 1/8 = 1 atm
 No of cadmium atom = 6x12 = 3
So the quantitative composition is – 1:3

10.   Amorphous silica

11.   Due to F-centre solid show colour e.g. NaCl shows yellow colour

12.   By changing the temperature

13.   It becomes paramagnetic

14.   Because less differences between size of cation & anion

15.   12
16.   When there is no regular arrangement of particles irregular shapes or short range order

17.   SrCl2
18.   Its becomes paramagnetic (due randomization of high spin)
19.   Cation vacancies

20.   Arsenic

21.   12.

22.      Copper has free electron. It is metallic conductor but copper sulphate contains ions and is electrolytic conductor
23.    In Schottky defect: Density decreases. In Frenkel defect: Density remains constant

24.       Due to F-centre

25.       Schottky defect

26.       Gallium

27.       metal excess defect (F-centre)

28.       No. of atom at (x-atom) corner = 8x1/8 = 1
 No. of atom of Y' at body centre = 1
Formula = XY

29.       Two (at corner = 1, at body=1  ,at body = 6x1/2=3)

Four (at comer = 8x 1/8 =1 , at body =6x1/2=3)

30.       6:6 or 6

31.   F-centre are the sites from where the anion are missing and electron releases by metal occupy the vacant site.
 32.   Phosphorus

33.   The magnetic dipole are parallel to one another
↑ ↑ ↑ ↑

34.   Crystalline solid has sharp melting point which depends on the packing of particles

35.   52.4%

36.    A.)Metallic substances conduct electricity by free electron

b) ionic substances conduct electricity due to free ion

37.   Frenkel defect

38.   AgBr

39.   Dipole-Dipole Interaction

40.   Metallic  solid hard and ductile but ionic solid hard are brittle.

Metallic solids
Ionic Solids
(1) Metallic solids are hard.

(1) ionic solids are brittle
(2) Metallic Solids are conductors of electricity in solid state as well as in molten state
(2) ionic Solids are insulators in solid State but conductors in molten state and in aqueous solutions

41.   The property of crystalline solid is not same in anyone direction anisotropic means same

42.   Number of tetrahedral voids fomed  2 x number of atoms of element Y
 Number of atoms of element Y in the ccp unit cell =4
 Number of tetrahedral voids formed = 2x4=8
 Number of tetrahedral voids occupied by atoms of X =1/3x8= 8/3
 Ratio of the number of atoms of X and Y = 8/3 : 4 = 2:3
Hence, the formula of the compound is X2Y3

43.   Zno    heating    Zn+2 + 2e- +1/2 O2
Zinc oxide is white in colour at room temp. On heating it loses oxygen and turns yellow.

44.   It is called ferromagnetism
Check out : Electrostatics Five mark questions with answers for CBSE Class 12 (previous year )
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