CSAB 2020 ( CSAB Fee Refund )

 CSAB (Central Seat Allocation Board) 2020 ( CSAB Fee Refund )

CSAB 2020 is the Special Round Counselling which is conducted to fill the seats left after Jossa counselling in the Academic Year of 2020-21. CSAB 2020 is being conducted by Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad.

CSAB 2020 ( CSAB Fee Refund )
CSAB 2020 (CSAB Fee Refund)
Image by Picography from Pixabay 

CSAB 2020 ( CSAB Fee Refund )

  • What is CSAB Special Round Counselling ?

CSAB Special Round Counselling is the counselling which is carried out for filling the seats in NITs , IIEST , IIITs and other GFTIs which have been left after the Jossa counselling. This Special Round Counselling is not conducted for seats of IITs.

This counselling is held every year. CSAB 2020 Special Round counselling is being conducted by MNNIT Allahabad i.e. Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad this year .

The registration , payment of participation fee and choice filling starts from 17 November and ends on 19 November 2020.

The most frequent question asked by students and the most dilemmnatic one also , is that should we take part in the CSAB Special Round ? What if our money doesn't get refunded? How should we fill the choices? Is there a risk in taking part in this Special Round Counselling ?

You need not worry . All your questions will be answered here in detail and if you face any more queries and doubts , please feel free to comment below .

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CSAB ( Fee Refund)

  • Should you take part in CSAB Special Round counselling?

    CSAB Special Round counselling has certain prerequisites like for the participation in CSAB Special Round counselling you need to pay the participation fee which is Rs 37,000 for General / GEN-EWS and OBC-NCL and Rs 17,000 for SC/ST/PwD candidates who  either didn’t register on JoSAA portal (OR)  registered in JoSAA portal but didn’t get a seat (OR) those who have been allotted a seat by JoSAA but didn’t pay Seat acceptance Fee (OR) who have opted Exit Option (OR)  Earlier Seat Allotted in IIT.

    This fee gets refunded after deduction of processing fee which is Rs 2000 this year for candidates who will not be allotted any seat in CSAB-2020 or who opt an option to withdraw as per the Business Rules. There are other rules for other cases which you must look at CSAB 2020 .

    This is why students do not feel free to participate . But last year too most of the students participated and many of them got their refund and some did not. 

    The reason for this was either they had done some mistake in filling the details like Bank Account NO. or Cancelled Cheque or some other issue. But these  issues can also be resolved. I also took part in CSAB last year so I can elaborate it much better.

    I suggest you to fill all the information correctly and in case your money needs to get refunded you should keep contacting the authority in charge of refund until you do not get your money.

    If you need any help you can reach out to us , you may comment below.

    So you can take part in CSAB Special Round counselling.

  • How should one fill the choices?

    Before filling the choices one should look at the previous year's cutoffs and try to analyse what seat one could get according to the cutoffs and their ranks . Also be careful that you should fill only those choices where you wish to take admission . Do not fill any such choices where you do not want to go or places which are far away. Fill the choices correctly. 

  • Does the money really get refunded in case one has followed all the Business rules?

    Yes, if according to the Business Rules you are eligible for the CSAB Fee Refund then you will get it.

    The refund get initiated after the counselling . 
    But you should keep contacting the concerned authority for the Fee Refund . Keep asking them in how many days will you get it , has the refund been initialised ?
    In case you do not receive the refund after a few months of counselling you must ask for it then . Mail them , contact them . You will get some response from their side. 

If you have any queries or doubts regarding CSAB 2020 , please feel free to comment below.


  1. Replies
    1. It will take a few months for the money to get refunded. Keep asking them.

    2. Go on CSAB 2020 portal and look at the enquiry numbers there.

    3. I try to contact them but didn't get reply, I call them and email too

    4. Today I got email from csab that money will refund in next 10 days

  2. If I alloted seat in csan round 1 but surrender the seat and in round 2 I didi not get seat and will it refund

    1. If a candidate gets a seat allotted in Special Round-I (or retains the seat secured in JoSAA2020 rounds) and opts for “SURRENDER and PARTICIPATING in Special Round-II”,
      and does not get a seat in Special Round-II, his/her Participation Fee and Seat Acceptance
      Fee (if paid) will be refunded after deducting Rs 6,000/-.

      According to above rule you will get the refund after deduction of Rs 6000

  3. I didn't get any seat in csab rounds ,will my money be refunded?
    after how many days my money be refunded?

    1. It will take a few months for the money to get refunded. Keep asking them.

  4. Hello mam, is there any way to contact you, it seems you didn't see my last question? I participated in csab 2020 round 1 but wasn't allotted a seat so i exit the counseling. Will I get my refund?

    1. If no seat is allotted to the FRESH* candidate in the Special Round-I and the candidate
      chooses not to participate in CSAB Special round-II, his/her Participation Fee will be
      refunded after deducting processing fee of Rs. 2000/-.

      Yes, according to the above Business rule , your money will get refunded after deduction of Rs 2000

  5. I was allotted seat in 1st round but i surrendered and didnt participate in 2nd round. Will I be eligible for refund?

    1. If no seat is allotted to the FRESH* candidate in the Special Round-I and the candidate
      chooses not to participate in CSAB Special round-II, his/her Participation Fee will be
      refunded after deducting processing fee of Rs. 2000/-.

      Yes, according to the above Business rule , your money will get refunded after deduction of Rs 2000

  6. I didn't gave a cancelled check instead i have given the photocopy of first page of my bank account book.
    So what i have to do now to get my refund back?
    Plss help me

  7. You will have to contact the concerned authorities who are in charge of refund process and tell them about your issue. They will help you to resolve it.

  8. how can i contact to csab authorities for my refund?

    1. There might be some enquiry number on the CSAB 2020 website. Check that out.

  9. i was not alloted in csab special rounds,so plz say how much time to wait for refund

  10. I didn't get any seat in csab rounds ,will my money be refunded?
    after how many days my money be refunded?

    1. It will take a few months , keep enquiring the authority in charge for refund and also make sure all the submitted documents must be correct.

  11. Csab fee refund possible yes or no

    1. I am not get any seat in csab round 1.and i quit from csab round 2.So when i can get my money back.

  12. When will the money csab round money refunded?? Already one month completed

  13. Hello, i didn't get refund yet, i try to contact them but i didn't get any reply,can you help me

    1. For CSAB 2020 you will have to mail and contact the concerned authority.

    2. They are not answering to our calls
      Please manage to get the no. Of mnnit Allahabad.

  14. Did anyone received csab money refund 2020 on December 15

  15. Please give me contact no.of related authority

    1. I did not receive any refund. Please give me contact info if anyone has contacted the authorities.

  16. Could you please provide the contact numbers of the officials?

  17. How to apply for refund of money....plz tell me

  18. Please tell me where to contact for the refund as I haven't been allotted a seat in the counselling?

  19. Upto when we get refunded our money.

  20. I have tried to contact using the csab number but they don't answer it and they are not replying to emails. Is there some other way ?

  21. So, there are many students whose query is that they aren't able to get in contact with the concerned authority. For this , you will actually have to find the refund contact number . The same happened last year too. Try contacting MNNIT Allahabad i.e. try various numbers of the college, ask them about CSAB 2020 refund issue , somehow you will get the refund contact number from there.
    Try doing this, you will definitely find somehow and if someone gets it, please update us about the same.

  22. My name is Bhavanasi vamsi I am participating jossa and csab but I didn't got any seat so till now I did not get back my fee refund please
    what can I do? My jee main application no:200310134263

    1. You should mail them at their given email id , describing about the refund and your issue. Also, try contacting them at their given contact numbers. Students are getting replies on their mails.

  23. Mam
    I didn't get refund money in cash.please give contacts that whom we have to contact

    1. Send an email at the given email id on CSAB 2020 website describing your refund issue with all details. Students are getting replies on their mails.

  24. I have not received my refund yet although it is mentioned in their website that the refund has been initiated since 15 december 2020.please help me with this.I am a bit worried.If possible please share the contact details so that i can contact them.

    1. Send an email at the given email id on CSAB 2020 website describing your refund issue with all details. Students are getting replies on their mails.

  25. I have not got my refund amount till now no authorities are answering our calls .
    When will they refund it who is the cocerned authorities

  26. I have participated in csab 2020 but I didn't got any seat in nit and my money didn't refunded yet. The enquiry status members were not answering my calls and mails. How can my money refunds. Please show me a way.

    1. For CSAB 2020 students are getting refund . It might be possible that your refund would have been initiated or you might have given some wrong documents so refund might not reach you. You can mail the concerned authority with all your details and issue.


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