Complaint Letter - Format , Layout and Example

Complaint letter

Complaint letter : How to write Complaint letter , Sample of Complaint letter and Complaint letter example are all the topics covered here .
How often have you purchased things online and did not get satisfied because of some or the other defect or fault you found out or might be due to delay in getting the product ?
This was when you felt like complaining it to the authority or the Manager of that company .

This is one of the situation which compels you to write a complaint letter.

Complaint letter - This letter is written when you have to address a problem faced by you or to complain about any situation like inefficient water and electricity supply or might be other problems.
It helps the authority to look into the matter and take stringent and fast actions .

Format of Complaint letter :

Complaint letter
Format of Complaint letter

Complaint letter : Format 
  • Sender's Address - It is the address of the person who is writing a complaint letter . It should contain a proper format consisting of all the information like the lane number , name of the colony and the name of the state .
  • Date - The date should always be in the format of (dd/mm/yy ) . The format (mm/dd/yy ) is also used and valid . Always write the full name of the month . Do not use short form as Oct. The date is written as - 7 September , 2019.
  • Receiver's Address - The first thing is to address the person whom we are writing the complaint like complaining to the Manager or the Director we write The Manager and The Director . After addressing the person the name of the company is written along with its proper address. 
  • Subject - It is the reason for writing a complaint letter but in a nutshell.
  • Salutation - Salutation  consists of  Sir / Madam . We may also use Respected Sir / Madam .
  • Body / Content - It is just like the plot of a story where you have to describe everything in detail . Always start with briefing the person about your problem in short then start describing it in detail . At the end you may end the letter by suggesting how the authority or the company may help you to solve your problem. Sometimes enclosures are also attached with the letter to provide more information to the receiver . There should be a format like this -
    1. Opening lines 
    2. Middle Part 
    3. Concluding lines
  • Complimentary Close - At the end of the letter we write Yours sincerely / faithfully . This comes under the complimentary close .
  • Signature and Name -It is the signature of the person writing a complaint letter and then the name is written .
  • Designation - It is written when the person representing an institute is writing a complaint letter. For eg - the school has received defective books so the librarian of the school is writing a complaint letter . After the name the designation The Librarian is written .
Here is a complaint letter explained with the help of an example .

Complaint letter : Example
Question. You have recently purchased DVD player from Phoney and Co. However , the product has stopped working only a month after the purchase . Write a letter to the company complaining about the product and requesting them to repair it as it falls under the warranty period . 

22, Ramnagar Extension
New Delhi

07 September , 2019

The Manager
Phoney and Co. 
Oliver Compound 

Subject : Defective DVD player

This is with reference to DVD player I had purchased from Phoney and Co. on 7 September ,2019 . It has only been a month since I purchased it . Unfortunately , it has ceased to work . I am not able to play DVD 's at all .
 I had called the customer care services , but they were unable to direct me to the right person . I would appreciate if you could send a skilled professional to check DVD player . I am enclosing a copy of the warranty card and the proof of purchase for your reference . 
I look forward to your reply and a resolution to my problem at the earliest .

Yours faithfully

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