8 Effective Tips to write perfect answers in Board Exam( how to present them )

8 Effective Tips to write perfect answers in Board Exam ( how to present them )
Its very important to know the Tips for writing perfect answer in Board Exam
The question " How to write perfect answer in Board Exam" is very useful for the Board students as it definitely will help them to increase their marks to much much greater extent . I have listed the best tips which would help you in achieving and writing the perfect answers in Board Exam and will also help you to improve your presentation .So , before we start I have a perfect example which would explain you the importance of writing perfect answers and presenting them in exam . So, here it goes:

 When you have prepared a dish very nicely , such that , it tastes good and smells sweet that one might love to eat it so what is the one thing which will really enhance the beauty of your dish is the way it looks . Hence, we need to garnish it and make it more adorable .

In the same way when we have nicely done the preparation for Board Exam, now we need to present it in the form of perfect answers to make it more adorable because
" First Impression is the last Impression "
Tips to write perfect answer in Board exam
 tips to write-perfect answer in Board Exam.
Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay 

So , what are the things you need to keep in mind while writing a perfect answer or when you start writing your exam ? This will answer all the questions like how to write perfect answers in Board exams and what are the rules for writing Board Exam and what should be the structure of an answer or how to structure an answer in the Board Exam .

  1. How to utilize the extra 15 minutes given at the start of the exam ?
    Tips to write perfect answer in Board exam
    tips to write perfect answer in Board Exam
    Image by Jan VaÅ¡ek from Pixabay

    The first thing you have to do is to decide which questions are you going to attempt . Go through the paper thoroughly . Mark the questions in the choice questions which you know well and will help you to gain more marks . This strategy is a stepping stone in writing the perfect answer in Boards .

     In papers like English or other language like you can read the unseen comprehension passages and mark your answers, lightly ,with the pencil .

    CBSE Class 12 Exam ( Best Tips )

  2. How to attempt the question paper ?

    I think it is the best way in the journey of writing perfect answer which will do 5 % of your work in the Board Exam .The best way to do it is to start from the end , doing more marks questions first and then the less ones at last so that you might not leave anything at last and manage your time well. See, its important to do questions in sequence, don't ever go out of that as it might ruin the mood of the examiner checking one question at the beginning and the other at the last . This might prove frustrating for him , finding answers .
    This will definitely help you to have good impression on the examiner and help you in making your answer perfect in terms of presentation also.
  3. Which questions to do first ?
    Tips to write perfect answer in Board exam
    Tips to write perfect answer in Board Exam

    So , as you scan the questions for about 5 minutes during the 15 minutes given to you , you also come to know about the questions you know perfectly and the ones which may pose a problem to you . So, what works here is sorting out.
    What you need to do is first sort out the questions you know well and the ones which are a bit difficult . Then , start doing the questions in sequence. You should attempt the answers which are vague to you at the last but remember you should not break the sequence instead you should leave space for the answers and do them at last . This will definitely prove awesome and make your answer perfect in exam  .

  4. How should you write the answers ?

    The answers must be written in sequence. Remember its the most important key to write perfect answer in Boards .
    The answers should always be written in points whether it be any paper except English or other language . This makes easy for the examiner to find out answer keywords and then allot you marks .

    But what is the correct way to write in points ?
    The best way is to write with subheadings which will summarize your content of points .
    Example :

    Google  - Google  is a search engine which helps people to search their queries and find answers to them . It is the largest platform which has Sundar Pichai as its CEO .
    You tube - You tube is the largest platform for the users to find videos , be it any kind , which are a source of treasure to them as they help in their daily life learning , getting motivated and even they can teach others also.

    So, here Google and You tube are subheadings . These will help examiner to give overview of your content and check copies fast .

  5. What should be the word limit or how much should you write according to the marks ?

    So , as you are told to stick with the marks and write the answer but it is always confusing . You might ask me many questions on what should be the word limit according to the given marks .
    Yeah , its a little bit confusing but there is a solution to it , very easy and simple .
    So , you have to write answers in points , for a 5 mark question try to write 5 points with explaination of about 3 lines or you might write upto 7 points also . Similarly , for 3 marks question write 3 points and explain . Look explaination is necessary . For answers which say 100 words write a page and so on .
  6. What to do with the questions you really do not know ?
    Tips to write perfect answer in Board exam
    Tips to  write perfect answer in Board Exam
    Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay 

    The questions might prove a nightmare when you really do not know their answers . So , whats the solution to it .
    Listen , you should not leave any question whether you know its answer or not . You have to do all the questions .

    For the questions whose answers you do not remember , you have to write the answers near to them like if the question asked is 

    What is Facebook ?
    Actual Answer
    Facebook is a social networking site which was found by Mark Zukerberg to help people to connect with each other .

    Relative Answer ( when you don't know ) :So, you can write Facebook is a great platform like Google where you can search people and make contacts for various purposes like business or social relations .
  7. How to write and what should be the type of handwriting you should use?
    Tips to write perfect answer in Board exam
    Tips to write Perfect answer in Board Exam
    Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay 

    Its obvious that you will tell that we will write in the best handwriting . Sure , you have to do so , write in the best beautiful handwriting you can but remember do not slow down your speed while writing beautifully . The handwriting will make your copies adorable and make the answer look perfect as well as make the presentation of the answer also perfect .

  8. What about the neatness and which pen should you use to write answers ?
    Tips to write perfect answer in Board exam
    Tips to write Perfect answer in Board Exam
    Image by Pexels from Pixabay 

    You might tell that I am being more specific but you will feel it will definitely help you as it helped me to score 95 in PCM .
    So, you have to start writing neatly from the beginning and take a ball point pen for filling the OMR sheet but you should write answers with the Gel pen as it gives a good impression . But is you aren't comfortable with it use whichever pen you like but I would suggest you to use Gel pen .

    So , these were my tips on how to write perfect answer in Board Exam and how to present them to make the copies for the examiner look best .
    You can ask your doubts and queries and I will definitely answer them.

    All the Best !


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